Thursday, 24 November 2016

Term Four

What a fantastic trip we had to Marshall's Animal Farm. All the children got to feed the very large and hungry lamb with a bottle of milk. They also had a bag of corn each to feed the animals as we wandered through the park. Some of the highlights were cuddling the guinea pigs, having the larger animals feed from our hands (even though it was scary and dirty!) and playing on the flying fox. At the end we also had time to walk in the bush to the little waterfall. This experience created a lot of opportunity for oral discussions and some lovely descriptive writing.

Continuing on with the animal theme, we have been reading and viewing the story about a lion cub bought in “Harrods of London”  in the early 1970’s.

Ace and John bought Christian and kept him in their shop basement until he grew too big. This story is about letting the lion free in the African wild.

Our writing experience leading from this is to debate “having a lion as a pet is good thing”.

All children had a real Kiwi Experience on Calf Club Day, some great and some very unexpected. Some of the highlights were the bouncy castle, throwing sponges at Mrs Campbell (and missing), patting some of the very cute animals, and winning lots of prizes. Some of the not so great things were, Eunvin getting covered in wet grass on the magic carpet and Woobin getting a little too close to the smelly dead possums. There was so much great language generated around this day. Well done to everyone.

Check out the student's Ag Day inspired writing! We welcome you to pop in to our ESOL Room to read these stories for yourselves, and to see lots of our Ag Day photos.

Wow! I can't believe we are in Term 4 already. Let's hope this rain stops and the sun begins to shine! It is so great to see the students back from their holiday. Sounds like Gloria had a great time back home in Korea. Ha Nee loved going to Rotorua - especially catching a large fish! We would love to see a photo of this. Soobin and Woobin went to a beach one fine day but didn't brave the waters! (too cold - perhaps when the weather is a little warmer). They also visited the new Greerton library. The boys did lots of reading over the holidays which is so great. Good on you boys! We are very happy to welcome Eunvin to our school. She is settling in well to Room 8 and her classmates love having her as a member of their classroom.

Students have been very busy in their classrooms preparing for Ag Day. We look forward to an exciting day on Saturday. Parents and caregivers - this is going to be an extremely exciting event! There will be so many animals to see.

Mrs Campbell has been busy assessing some students. We are looking forward to a term of action packed learning. Mrs Campbell and I have organised an excursion for the children which will take place in Week 3 of this term. We will be going to Marshalls Animal Farm. A letter will be given to you next week at our Pastoral Care morning tea on Tuesday. We really look forward to seeing you all then.


Author & Editor


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