Staff and Contact Details

We warmly welcome International Students and their families to our school. We truly value you all as members of our school community

Our International Department is led by Lynda Palfrey. Lynda Palfrey is Tauriko School's International Student Manager, and Pastoral Care co-ordinator.

It is the responsibility of the International Student Manager to:

  • manage the enrolment process
  • organise and lead orientation meetings
  • organise and lead pastoral care meetings
  • collaboratively plan a personalised English learning programme that is specific to each student
  • oversee assessment and reporting
  • ensure effective communication between school and home 
Lynda Palfrey can be contacted at any time

Mrs Cathy Campbell is responsible for delivering ESOL lessons to all International Students on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday.

This year we also offer a 'Literacy Boost' class for International Students. This is entirely optional and held before school on a Thursday morning. Students are welcome to drop in for any support they need. Mrs Campbell will be available to read with your child, develop their writing skills, spelling, oral language practise and support.

ESOL lessons take place four times per week, in the mornings. Lessons are taught in small groups, and consist of reading, writing and oral language.

Cathy Campbell is available before school Monday-Thursday mornings 8.15-8.45am in the ESOL room. Appointments are not necessary. She would love to share with you your child's ESOL learning successes.

Suzanne Billington - Principal
Overall responsibility for International Students 
Phone:    (07) 543 0430 (school)
Mobile:    021 500 103

Cathy Campbell - ESOL Learning Programme

Phone:   (07) 543 0430 (school)

Hyun Taek Yang - Director of Tauranga Korean Times Ltd
First Language support person 24/7

Phone:    (07) 571 0488
(07) 578 4671
Mobile:    027 664 5408

Tauriko School Office
Phone:    (07) 543 0430 