Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Tamariki Time

Our International Student Ambassadors Launch ‘Tamariki Time’

Gloria Kim and Aya Burt, International Student Ambassadors for Tauriko School, have done an incredible job launching ‘Tamariki Time’. Gloria and Aya brainstormed ways in which our international students can be supported during their transition to school, while having fun with their peers. ‘Tamariki Time’ is about bringing cultures together and making new friends through games, fun and laughter.

‘Tamariki Time’ takes place on a Monday lunch time for junior students and a Thursday lunch time for senior students. Students do not need to officially join this group. The group is open every week for newcomers, and our International Ambassadors will continue to welcome those who choose to come regularly. It is so heart-warming to see students of all nationalities, ages and genders come together and get to know one another. After all, we all smile in the same language.

We are now looking for expressions of interest from students who would like to be an International Student Ambassador for 2018. The Tauriko School International Ambassador Leadership award is given annually to students in recognition for outstanding contributions to the International Community of Learners at Tauriko School. We are inviting students currently in Years 5, 6 and 7 to apply for this award for 2018. Applications close on Friday 8th December. Application forms are available through classroom teachers.

An International Ambassador is someone who:

ü  Will be a senior student in Years 6-8 in 2018
ü  is kind and caring
ü  has a keen interest in learning foreign languages (or can speak another language)
ü  is a confident public speaker
ü  is respectful
ü  is prepared to take on leadership roles
ü  is an active role model for others
ü  is a positive and proud citizen of Tauriko School

Responsibilities of an International Ambassador include:

ü  Meeting and greeting new international students and their parents at Orientation
ü  Organising and hosting ‘Tamariki Time’ during lunchtime (games for international students and their friends)
ü  Meeting with and training buddies of new international students
ü  Tours of the school for new students and their parents
ü  Representing Tauriko School as a speaker at International events
ü  Planning and organising events that bring all cultures together


Author & Editor


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