What a busy, exciting and overwhelming couple of weeks for our students (and families!). Well done - you all made it to Friday! We hope you have a lovely weekend, with plenty of time for rest and games. We look forward to a positive start to Week Three.
Mrs Campbell has been so busy working with Ha Nee and Gloria during ESOL lessons. Students have been reading lots of books, and relating the main messages to their own experiences. Students have particularly enjoyed extending their learning on the concepts of 'big' and 'little' - learning lots of new nouns in the process, and adored the extension language experience related to the text 'Dress Ups'. You will see what fun they got up to in the photos below! The next step will be for students to write their own story about 'Dress Ups'!
Students are focusing on building their vocabulary, reading texts with repetition to improve fluency and confidence when reading aloud, and writing about their own experiences.
Next week, Gloria will become a member of Room 9. We know Miss Hawke is really looking forward to teaching Gloria - and of course Gloria's special friend Aya can't wait for Gloria to join her in her classroom. We hope that Gloria has a positive and exciting first week in her new classroom.
'Dress Ups' inspired from the text
Welcome Ha Nee, Yeon Seo and Ye Seo - you are now officially Long Term students at Tauriko School. We are so happy to have you with us and we look forward teaching you and learning alongside you. What a great adventure we are in for!
Your English (ESOL) teacher will be Mrs Campbell. She will teach you from 8.45-9.30am on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and on every second Wednesday (assessments will take place every other Wednesday). Mrs Campbell will also spend time in your classroom with your teacher and your classmates in the mornings, and will enjoy meeting with your parents each week. We believe that communication through pastoral care is vitally important, so links between home and school will be encouraged, facilitated and nurtured.
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